Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences

Finding a job

​​​At a glance

  • There are regulations how much you are allowed to work as a student.

  • You can search for a (side) job or internship on job vacancy platforms.

  • If you earn more than 520 EUR/month, you will need to pay taxes.

  • Speaking German increases your chances on finding a (side) job/internship.

Labour regulations for international students

Before accepting a job or internship offer you should make sure that you know the labour regulations in Germany. The permitted working hours depend on whether you are from the EU (including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) or not.

Students from EU countries

You are allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week during the semester, just like German students. If you want to work more than 20 hours per week you must pay certain insurance contributions.

Stundents from non EU-countries

You need to check your visa or residence permit to find out if you are allowed to work in Germany during your stay.

Generally, as a student from outside the EU you are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half days per year. You are not allowed to be self employed or to work as a freelancer. If you want to work more you need permission from the Federal Employment Agency ("Arbeitsagentur") and the authority for foreigners ("Ausländerbehörde").

Please note: Internships count as normal work (even if they are not paid)!

Tax Rules

You can earn up to 520 EUR a month on a student job without paying taxes. If you earn more than 520 EUR per month, you need a tax ID ("Steuer-Identifikationsnummer"). You will get a tax ID automatically after your registration in Germany. The tax ID will be sent by post to your personal address.

How to find a (side) job or internship in Germany

There are multiple job portals where you can search for a (side) job/internship.

Here you can find a list of job vacancy listings

Speaking German increases your chances on finding a (side) job or internship. If you do not speak German you should be flexible in your job search, as you may not necessarily find something in your study field.

To increase your chances on finding a job, you should make sure to submit a good application. H​ere you can find some useful tips for your application

Further information

Working in Germany

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