Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


HSD > Welcome!
HSD / International Office (IO), incoming students


Welcome! Bienvenu! Witamy serdecznie! Bienvenido! Добро пожаловать! Hoş geldiniz! Tervetuloa! Wilkommen!


Welcome to all our exchange students who started their semester abroad at Hochschule Düsseldorf yesterday!

Our 98 incomings are from Europe and all over the world, representing 54 universities and 24 countries – impressive numbers this winter semester!

70 % of them are ERASMUS+ grant holders. Yesterday everyone gathered for a first information session and a substantial welcome breakfast before getting started with registration, enrolment and other formalities. During the days to come, exchange students will get to know HSD and its services, explore the campus and the faculties, do some sightseeing in the city and lastbut not least, learn a little German.

A big thank you to our team of tutors who picked everyone up at the airport or the railway station, took them to their accommodation and continue to solve any problems that might come up.

We wish everyone an exciting semester at HSD!

Begrüßung der internationalen Austauschstudierenden an der HSD am 18. September 2019
Foto: Michaela Petri
Begrüßung der internationalen Austauschstudierenden an der HSD am 18. September 2019
Studierende der HSD aller Fachbereiche engagieren sich als Tutorinnen und Tutoren, um den internationalen Austauschstudierenden an der HSD den Einstieg zu erleichtern.
Foto: Michaela Petri
Das Team der Tutorinnen und Tutoren der HSD 1. Reihe von links nach rechts: Marcella Burgos, Jennifer Mürdter, Maren Simon, Sebnem Agca; 2. Reihe von links nach rechts: Marisa Müller, Mara Rudnick, Madeleine Thrun, Marius Böhm, Frederik Born, Alexander Gelfer.