Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences

​Café International is part of the Students' Union of Hochschule Düsseldorf and regularly organises cultural events with a country theme.

An Opening Party is thrown at the beginning of the semester as well. The events focus on supporting the intercultural engagement and the exchange between international (domestic and foreign) students. Café International wishes to get people - and especially students - involved and look deeper into the topic of cultural variety

In addition, Café International wants to support international students in organising and realising their stay in Germany.

Time and date of the cultural events are posted on the Facebook page in advance. If you need support or would like to join the team of Café International, just contact the Student's Union Office.


AStA Office
Georg-Glock-Str. 15
40474 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 211 451206


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cifhd/home

A drawing. In the middle big and in black lettering Café International. Below, small the logo of the students' Union with a red star. Around the lettering randomly scattert further small drawings: coffee beans, a Piece of cake, a guitar, a trompete, a Cocktail glas, a Person sitting cross-legged.
by AStA der HSD, Café International
Logo of Café International